Chiefs Helmet Aubrey Johnson

Native Mask - Chief's Helmet by Aubrey Johnson

Native Mask - Chief's Helmet by Aubrey Johnson c2006 The Headdress of the helmet type would be part of the Chief's ceremonial dancing headdress that would be worn with his button blanket. These were usually wood carvings and were family crest of birds. This one is the Thunderbird with the Orca or Killer whale on it back has been Masterfully carved with great attention to detail , this is truely a collector piece. The Helmet has been carved from old growth red cedar and finished off with cedar bark. The measurments are 22 inches in length by 15 inches in height and the width is 8 inches. Price CDN $6,500.00

Additional Links for Chiefs Helmet Aubrey Johnson:

Art Piece: "Chiefs Helmet Aubrey Johnson"
Artist: Aubrey Johnson
Art Piece Name: aj45r

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